Blog Archives

Day 10: Standard Deviation Game

One concept in AP Statistics that is not totally instinctual is the idea of what standard deviation really measures.  A few years ago I attended a session on Statistics in the CCSS at the TI International Conference in Chicago.

Standard deviation game

I picked up this Mean and Standard Deviation game and have found it to be a quick way for students to develop their intuitive sense about standard deviation.  And they like it, too!

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Day 86: Math Jeopardy Review

Friday before a 3-day week-end is a tough day to review for finals. But review we did!  Use a Math Jeopary! template to create the 5 major categories of the semester: functions, trigonometry, rational functions, polynomial functions and periodic functions.  Sorry, I don’t know where I got the original template….I searched, but couldn’t find it although I put some other possibilities below.

 Math Jeopardy 1Math Jeopardy 2

Its always nice to have a game environment to generate enthusiasm for the review.  Unfortunately we didn’t get through all of the questions, but good discussion occurred, and besides, they’ll remember the fun they had playing the game.

Math Jeopardy 3

Here are some resources:  Free download link. Free online High School Semester 1 Review game.

Jeopardy-Blank created by Don Link, Indian Creek School

Site for other game powerpoint templates

Day 50: Unit Circle Game

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Time to have the precalculus kids practice the unit circle values….so I put together the Unit Circle game based on Cheesemonkey Wonders idea.  I quantified the rules, designed the game board (put them in plastic protective sleeves since the laminater is on the blink), put the rules in the plastic frames, got game pieces and +/- dice from Uncle’s Games, printed and cut out the unit circle cards, and stuffed all of the pieces in baggies.  Not sure the effort was worth the results, but it did get the kids thinking.  I will simplify the game rules a little so that kids can enter into the game more quickly.  Will do this for when we re-use the game with radians next week.

On another note, the AP stats kids said the stations were really helpful!  They suggested less of them and a little more time at each.  I asked them which ones were really helpful and which ones could be discarded.  Of course, all had opinions, and they were all different.  Bonus: their average test scores were actually better than in the past (they have been performing approximately the same as other years’ classes on prior exams).  This will become another treasured strategy!  Now I just have to figure out what station activities will be most valuable.  Do you have any thoughts of where to get good activities besides Teachers Pay Teachers?


Day 48: Learning/Review Stations

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It is the day before the Planning Studies unit in AP Statistics and I wanted to have a meaningful yet fun review activity.  I’ve been inspired by various teachers on the internet who use activity stations to get students to experience a topic in many venues.  I had 7 stations set up around the room using plastic stands from the Dollar store (thanks @druinok).  Based on previous years’ exam results and what students were saying this year, I wanted the kids to practice vocabulary (used a crossword puzzle), identifying type of study (card sort), design an experiment (M&M activity), talk through MC, practice mini FRAPPYs, and identify what can be inferred from a study (task card).  I also wanted the stations to be self-check so students could get immediate feedback and self-correct misconceptions, so had bright orange ANS folders for them to access.  I think the students loved it, but the proof is in there performance on their exam.  I’ll keep you posted.  How do you conduct reviews in your class?


Day 46: Battleship, Polar Style



Trying something new this year…using polar coordinates as the introduction to angular motion and eventually the unit circle with the hope that students are more flexible moving around a circle for a specified angle.  Also trying to only introduce the relationships in degree mode and then revisite the whole introduction in radians later on.  Hope it works!  Used a Geogebra activity called Polar Coordinates (Boat Game) to intro the idea with the directions: how many new boats can you find in 30 seconds?  Record the locations using (distance, angle) format.  We then used a Polar Coordinate foldable borrowed from the Agony and dx/dt to formalize what the students found through the Boat Game.  Finally, we practiced using a Battleship Polar Coordinates game …the kids loved it. How do you set the foundation for learning the Unit Circle?